Put the Raspberry Pi in the Simulation Loop
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RaspInLoop is available in different packages:

How it Works

Co-Simulation using FMI standard is the keystone of RaspInloop.

  • Pi4J Application

    Code your application

    Thanks to the Pi4J project, you have all you need to develop your Java application on Raspberry Pi. Including a lot of components like stepper motor, servo, I2C, SPI devices, etc...

  • Components

    Specify the attached components

    Usually, some detectors and actuators are attached to your Raspberry board. Before running the simulation, you have to setup those components and their parameters.

  • Simulation tool

    Modeling and simulation environment.

    Using your preferred modeling and simulation tool, your may describe the "world" connected to your rRaspberry Pi. This tool will import a "block" linked to the modelled external variable (ie: temperature, force, velocity, acceleration). All tools able to act as "Master FMI 2.0 Co-Simulation" can be used. See list of compatible tools.

  • Debugging

    Freeze time!

    Place your breakpoints, start your application in debug mode and start your simulation. Now your simulation tool acts as a clock for the whole system, allowing the debugger to stop at breakpoints, allowing for inspection and understanding of what happens at millisecond levels! Moreover, it allows for simulation of day-long processes in just a few seconds...


Using Co-simulation with FMU and scilab/xcos

Using scilab/xcos to simulate BlinkingGpioExample

Standalone BlinkGpioExample

Using plugin to simulate BlinkingGpioExample

BlinkGpioExample with preconfigured FMU

Using PtolemyII to simulate BlinkingGpioExample


Using PtolemyII to simulate BlinkingGpioExample


If you are interested in this project, please feel free to contribute. The RaspInLoop project is hosted at https://github.com/RaspInLoop/RaspInLoop-fmi-plugin, associated to the project you can find some open issues labeled with help wanted or good first issue